What are the Challenges for the Future of a Future-facing Workforce?

3 min readAug 8, 2022

The future of work is rapidly changing, bringing with it new challenges. Companies are increasingly seeing a skills gap hindering their workforce from reaching their full potential. Other issues organizations are struggling with include burnout and the Great Resignation. There are several important steps to take to make sure your team receives the best tools and learning experiences possible.


Challenges Facing Your Workforce

Your team members may struggle with a variety of challenges as changes in workplace continue to occur at a rapid pace.

Skills Gap

Many of your current team members may lack the necessary technical skills and knowledge of business processes to keep up with the demands of operating a successful business. A skills gap can cause problems in your organization that range from poor work performance to team members who never reach their full potential on a professional level.

Job Burnout

Job burnout might include physical exhaustion, detachment from co-workers, and extreme dissatisfaction with significant aspects of a job. Burnout on the job is sometimes the result of a lack of work-life balance or poor work culture. Other causes may include a lack of work-related opportunities and inadequate development in a particular job.

Great Resignation

The Great Resignation is an ongoing trend in the workplace in which workers are voluntarily resigning from their jobs in large numbers. This began in early 2021, partly because of Covid-19, but is continuing for a variety of reasons. According to Pew Research, the primary reasons workers leave current jobs are low pay, limited advancement opportunities, and a lack of respect on the job.

Solutions You Need to Implement

For your company to thrive and reach its fullest potential, it’s essential to find the best solutions to the challenges workers are facing. The following are a few strategies you may want to implement.

Close the Skills Gap

As technology advances and hybrid work gains popularity, you’ll likely find that many individuals lack the necessary skills to perform effectively on the job. You’ll want to start by assessing the current skill level of your team members through such things as work examples, video assessments, and manager surveys. Then you can determine what kind of upskilling or reskilling your team may need.

Promote Lifelong Learning

Education and training are no longer a one-and-done type of investment. Skills-based learning is more important than ever when building a motivated, successful team. To instill lifelong learning, you’ll need to implement the following best practices:

  • Provide flexible online learning platforms.
  • Create a structured policy for implementing edtech and filling skill gaps.
  • Recognize and support informal learning.

Invest in Team Development

Investing in your team can range from offering formal training to providing new technology and edtech in the workplace. Even if your team members have excellent skills and training, they still need the right tech infrastructure to flourish on the job. Your team needs access to and adequate training in technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, and video-assisted learning.

Create Workplace Wellness Programs

Wellness programs provide benefits for both a company and its team members. These include higher worker morale, reduced health problems, lower turnover, and greater camaraderie. Simple wellness programs are still often very effective. Team members can benefit from programs such as offering on-site health screenings, supplying healthy snacks, and providing professional education and training assistance.

How Can Capabilia Help?

At Capabilia, we provide transformative learning experiences to help your team members close the skills gap. We can partner with your organization to deliver effective online education while offering lifelong learning solutions that can empower each member of your team. With cutting-edge technology, full-stack academic services, and transformative content, we can provide personalized learning for reskilling, upskilling, and the lifelong learning skills that your company needs.

Whether you’re working with edtech startups, a university, or a large company, Capabilia can partner with your organization to create an innovative online learning experience for your team members. Contact us at Capabilia for more information.




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