The opportunity to learn about our passions and interests fundamentally drives creativity. Lifelong learning is a gateway to always having that moment to learn something new, keeping us alive with renewed energy. If you are passionate about a subject or want to renew your life goals so you do something you have always wanted to do, here’s how the Creator Educator works.
What Is the Creator Educator?
There are lots of innovative creators out there bursting with ideas. While they have a lot of knowledge in their area of expertise, one place they often lack insight and specialist knowledge in is technology and IT. Most of us have some knowledge of the internet, but the world has moved on at a pace with significant developments, especially since the global pandemic. Many people don’t realize how technology and newer developments can really help them achieve their passions and creative ideas. That’s where the Creator Educator comes in by matching people with a passion to develop something with an educator who can meet those needs.
Why Are Things Different Now?
In the past, when someone wanted to learn something they were simply told to read a book or do a course. COVID-19 accelerated the way people now learn. Previously, they might have gone to night school but today they can learn on their phones or via an app. There are lots of new ways to get information to a wider audience across the globe. There are many more opportunities to share knowledge, collaborate, and open up learning to people that just weren’t around anymore. Support to use the technology out there so people can take advantage of the lifelong learning opportunities is vital. Edtech is here to stay.
What Are the Opportunities?
New ways of using technology are a catalyst for driving lifelong learning. It is not just the pandemic driving thirst for learning new skills or restricting people only from studying remotely. Employers are now finding the benefits of Edtech as they look for creative ways of upskilling staff and ensuring mandatory training is done. There are more opportunities than ever before to reach a global audience with creative programs of education and at an affordable price. Not only that, people living in regions where there are limited opportunities to access lifelong learning opportunities and training programs can now discover educators.
Lifelong Learning Is the New Normal
The world of learning has opened up thanks to new technology and opportunities. Businesses can make the most of edtech by creating learning programs and using technology to enable their staff to learn new skills. Creators can be matched with educators, who can help them embrace technology to promote their expertise and ideas and to learn how to use innovative tech to drive their ideas to a global audience. It could range from learning how to use videos or social media or simply finding out what is out there and how it might be helpful. Cohort-based education, where a group learns collaboratively, is on the rise too. That approach brings opportunities for networking and collaboration as well as a variety of views. Although the program is structured, the exposure to different perspectives adds a creative educational opportunity.
We are all entering a new era where lifelong learning is the new normal, and it is never too late to learn something new. From starting up a newsletter to developing a lifesaving app, there is a wealth of knowledge that can be combined with educational techniques and technology to spread the word and drive new developments. Lifelong learning is having an innovative moment.
Take a look at what the Creator Educator means for your ideas or your business and how this blend of technology and learning can spark innovation.