Learning experience design and their success

3 min readApr 16, 2020


Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

With new technological advancements comes new ways for students to learn, as well as more ways for students to learn better. Thus, there’s a fairly new concept called “learning experience design” that companies use for future education projects that are made to allow users to reach the desired goal with as much satisfaction and as little trouble as possible. Learning experience design applies to corporations as it does to young students in a classroom setting.

What Is Learning Experience Design?

Learning experience design is the combination of education, social sciences, and UI/UX to create engaging and intuitive educational courses. Like user experience, learning experience design enhances the experience of the user. Consider this concept as both an art and a science that helps learners achieve learning goals in a user-centered and goal-oriented fashion.

What Problems Does Learning Experience Design Solve?

Some students still tend to struggle academically with conventional learning methods, as they require an alternative way of learning in order to receive the best understanding of content being taught. With technology, software, or online-based solutions, learning experience design allows students to demonstrate their academic performance no matter the time, place, or rate in which they learn. These strategies come with the flexibility that provides users with tailored learning opportunities.

Learning experience design has to be treated in the same manner as designing any kind of user experience. Students, just like any user, have needs that companies can only solve through thorough planning, research, design, and execution.

How Does Learning Experience Design Work?

Students are the ones who learn. In other words, students participate and perform learning tasks instead of just receiving information or direction from a lecture or textbook. Tasks from learning experience design involve one or more senses from the student, such as seeing, touching, and listening.

The instructor doesn’t lead the learning experience design but instead facilitates it. Traditionally, the instructor is the one that is the only source of authority and knowledge, and students uphold their own responsibilities for learning. With learning experience design, however, the focus of the class shifts to the students and the instructor serves as a guide during the learning experience.

Main assignments or assessments are segmented by skills or competencies that students need to complete them, and those segments come in the form of smaller, easier tasks. Student progress is recorded by low-stakes evaluations. The learning experience is tailored by the results of the student’s performance during these assessments.

There are five different elements that learning experience design consists of: Look and feel, interaction, structure, requirements, and strategy. When you take these elements into account, any teacher or instructor can visualize beyond those limitations from conventional teaching procedures, and create experiences for students or users that are immersive and engaging. Not only does this make learning experience design a different way to teach others, but it also provides a higher degree of quality that students want and expect when they learn new things.

Incorporating Branding Into Learning Experience Design.

The branding aspect is another consideration to achieve consistent learning. For learning experience design, the constant has to look, feel, read, and sound in a similar way in order to keep students focused and interested in learning. The best learning experiences maintain a single look and feel from start to finish that complements the learning so that students don’t get distracted by changes in the content. To achieve cohesive branding that keeps students engaged, the content must be legible, easy on the eyes, and maintains a serious tone throughout to teach students in the best ways possible.


Lifelong learning is something that everyone experiences and learning experience design is something that can be implemented in any educational setting to help students, whether it be in the form of edtech or eLearning. For learning experience design to work as intended, programs have to provide learning experiences that are challenging, thought-provoking, and meaningful to students. Effective learning will lead students to experience an impactful intellectual payoff.




Written by Capabilia

Improving lives through learning experiences. Delivering a transformative and effective learning experience, everywhere.

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