The Importance of Sustainability in SportsSustainability in sports has become a significant talking point in recent years as athletes and sporting associations consciously work to…Oct 20, 2022Oct 20, 2022
How Edtech and Lifelong Learning Improve EqualityPrinciples play a vital role in a world that changes faster than organizations’ and people’s ability to adapt. The good news is educational…Oct 13, 20221Oct 13, 20221
Here’s What Universities Should Do to Counter the Lack of Anticipated Online Learning ReboundColleges and universities worldwide anticipated an online learning rebound due to the post-COVID learning environment that continues to…Sep 23, 2022Sep 23, 2022
4 Irrefutable Reasons Why OPMs are Important in Latin AmericaThe Latin America region, including the Caribbean (LAC), has more than 180+ million learners across 33 countries in various levels of…Sep 12, 2022Sep 12, 2022
Expanding horizons in education in Uruguay with our partner CLAEHCLAEH University (UCLAEH) is a non-profit civil organization with university identity. Humanist and detached from any religion, ideology…Aug 17, 2022Aug 17, 2022
What are the Challenges for the Future of a Future-facing Workforce?The future of work is rapidly changing, bringing with it new challenges. Companies are increasingly seeing a skills gap hindering their…Aug 8, 2022Aug 8, 2022
Top 3 Benefits of Skills-Based Learning in the Digital EraThe demand for skilled professionals has dramatically increased over the past few years, while the skills gap challenge has been making it…Jul 22, 2022Jul 22, 2022
The Vital Importance of Power Skills for EmployeesThe world is changing rapidly, with increasingly sophisticated technology acting to further globalize the world’s marketplace and expand…Jul 7, 2022Jul 7, 2022
The Use of Learning Science Research as an Indicator of Edtech QualityWith Educational Technology’s (Edtech’s) unparalleled growth, universities, educational institutions, and even Edtech startups all over the…May 31, 2022May 31, 2022
Future-proofing Lifelong Learning: Solutions & Innovative ApproachesThere has been a drastic shift in education than in the past two years. Thanks to the pandemic and developing technology becoming more…Apr 6, 2022Apr 6, 2022